Deja Vu Nightmare

John had always been plagued by vivid deja vu experiences. They were typically benign, like seeing a familiar face on the street or recognizing a scene from a dream. But one fateful night, his deja vu took a sinister turn.

In his recurring dream, John saw himself helping an elderly man named Mr. Anderson cross a busy street. The dream was so vivid that John could feel the warm sun on his face and hear the honking of car horns. He always woke up with a sense of happiness, as if he had done a good deed.

One sunny morning, as John walked to work, he spotted Mr. Anderson standing alone at a crosswalk. The scene was identical to his dream. Heart pounding, he rushed to assist the elderly man, guiding him across the street. Mr. Anderson thanked him with a smile, and John felt a rush of joy, believing he had averted disaster.

Days turned into weeks, and John continued to encounter Mr. Anderson in his dreams, always helping him in some way. But reality began to unravel. Each time John helped Mr. Anderson, something negative happened to him afterward.

One night, after assisting Mr. Anderson with his groceries, John dreamt of the old man falling down a flight of stairs. Terrified, John rushed to Mr. Anderson's apartment the next day to check on him. As he reached the door, he heard a loud crash from inside. Bursting in, he found Mr. Anderson unconscious at the foot of the staircase.

The deja vu nightmares escalated. John saw Mr. Anderson involved in accidents, disasters, and even crimes, and each time he tried to intervene, he inadvertently caused harm to the old man. He watched in horror as the man's health deteriorated, and he became a shell of his former self.

Haunted by guilt and despair, John became obsessed with trying to prevent the nightmares from coming true. He researched ways to change his dreams, sought help from psychologists, and even considered taking medication to suppress his dreams entirely. But nothing worked.

In the end, John was trapped in a waking nightmare, tormented by deja vu that transformed his life into a never-ending cycle of tragedy and guilt. The man he had once dreamt of helping had become the source of his deepest despair, and there was no escape from the darkness that had consumed him.


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